
Module Contents



Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Take the movie as a 2d array directly


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Used if tiff movie has been splitted as as many tiff files as frames in the movie


Used if tiff movie has been splitted as as many tiff files as frames in the movie




param cinac_file_reader

CinacFileReader instance

create_cinac_recording_from_cinac_file_segment(identifier, cinac_file_reader, segment)

param identifier

cinac_recording identifier

class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Bases: abc.ABC

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

abstract get_frames_section(self, frames, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

Get x and y dimensions of the movie Returns: a 1d array of integers


The number of frames in the movie Returns: integer

abstract get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacDataMovie(movie, already_normalized=False)

Bases: deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Take the movie as a 2d array directly

get_frames_section(self, frames, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)
get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacTiffMovie(tiff_file_name=None, tiff_movie=None)

Bases: deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

get_frames_section(self, frames, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)
get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacFileReaderMovie(cinac_file_reader, segment)

Bases: deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

get_frames_section(self, frames, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)
get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacSplitedTiffMovie(identifier, tiffs_dirname, already_normalized=False, tiff_file_name=None, tiff_movie=None)

Bases: deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Used if tiff movie has been splitted as as many tiff files as frames in the movie

get_frames_section(self, frames_indices, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

get section of given frames from the calcium imaging movie :param frames_indices: numpy array of integers, representing the frame’s indices to select :param minx: integer, min x coordinate :param maxx: integer, max x coordinate :param miny: integer, min y coordinate :param maxy: integer, max y coordinate


get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacSplitedNpyMovie(identifier, tiffs_dirname, already_normalized=False, tiff_file_name=None, tiff_movie=None)

Bases: deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacMovie

Used if tiff movie has been splitted as as many tiff files as frames in the movie

get_frames_section(self, frames_indices, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

get section of given frames from the calcium imaging movie :param frames_indices: numpy array of integers, representing the frame’s indices to select :param minx: integer, min x coordinate :param maxx: integer, max x coordinate :param miny: integer, min y coordinate :param maxy: integer, max y coordinate


get_full_movie(self, normalized)

Full movie, if available a 3d array n_frames x len_y x len_x :param normalized: bool, if True return normalized movie, False original movie if available



cinac_file_reader – CinacFileReader instance


deepcinac.cinac_structures.create_cinac_recording_from_cinac_file_segment(identifier, cinac_file_reader, segment)
  • identifier – cinac_recording identifier

  • cinac_file_reader – CinacFileReaderInstance

  • cinac_movie – CinacMovie instance

  • segment – tuple of 3 int (cell, first_frame, last_frame


class deepcinac.cinac_structures.CinacRecording(identifier)
get_raw_traces(self, normalized)

normalized – if True, get the raw_traces normalized


get_smooth_traces(self, normalized)

normalized – if True, get the raw_traces normalized


set_movie(self, cinac_movie)

Set the instance of CinacMovie, that will be used to get the frames given to the network :param cinac_movie:


set_rois_from_suite_2p(self, is_cell_file_name, stat_file_name)
  • is_cell_file_name – path and file_name of the file iscell.npy produce by suite2p segmentation process

  • stat_file_name – path and file_name of the file stat.npy produce by suite2p segmentation process


set_rois_2d_array(self, coord, from_matlab)
  • coord – numpy array of 2d, first dimension of length 2 (x and y) and 2nd dimension of length the number of

  • Could also be a list of lists or tuples of 2 integers (cells.) –

  • from_matlab – Indicate if the data has been computed by matlab, then 1 will be removed to the coordinates

  • it starts at zero. (so) –


set_rois_from_nwb(self, nwb_data, name_module, name_segmentation, name_seg_plane)
  • nwb_data – nwb object instance

  • name_module – Name of the module to find segmentation. Will be used this way: nwb_data.modules[name_module] Ex: name_module = ‘ophys’

  • name_segmentation – Name of the segmentation in which find the plane segmentation. Used this way:get_plane_segmentation(name_segmentation) Ex: name_segmentation = ‘segmentation_suite2p’

  • name_seg_plane – Name of the segmentation plane in which to find the ROIs data

  • this way (Used) – mod[name_segmentation]get_plane_segmentation(name_seq_plane) Ex: name_segmentation = ‘my_plane_seg’


set_rois_using_pixel_mask(self, pixel_masks)

pixel_masks – list of list of 2 integers representing for each cell all the pixels that belongs to the cell



Return the number of frames in the movie Returns:

get_source_profile_frames(self, frames_indices, coords)

Return frames section based on the indices of the frames and the coordinates of the corners of the section :param frames_indices: array of integers :param coords: tuple of 4 integers: (minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

Returns: A numpy array of dimensions len(frames_indices) * (maxy - miny + 1) * (maxx - minx + 1)